gsphelp  Table options

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gsphelp  Table options

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The table toolbar options (from left to right, the "pipe" or separator is depicted below in the overview by a blank line between items):

Show graph
Display graph window for this table, displaying multiple graphs for one or more simulation sessions


Insert a break before the selected row
The function of a break is to separate sets of points. Datasets separated by breaks allow multiple graphs for one or more simulation sessions  to be displayed with separate line styles and colors specified in the graphs options.

Append a break after the last row


Insert a group break before the selected row
The function of the group break is to separate several sets of data points to identify surface or carpet data sets

Append a group break after the last row


Copy to clipboard
Copy the selected table data to the clipboard.

Copy all to clipboard
Copy all the table data to the clipboard.

Save table to file
Export the result table as a CSV File. Press Shift key to export selection only.

Save table to Excel file
Export the result table as an Excel File. Press Shift key to export selection only. This exports the table output with colors and headers (WYSIWYG).


Clear table
Add a previously stored database file to the current set, note that the parameter set must be equal. Default/initial path equals the model file path.

Reset table layout to original
Reset the table layout to the original layout; e.g. use this when parameters (columns) are removed from the view to make them re-appear


Show number of curves
A dialog will be presented outputting the total number of datasets in the data table.

Renumber the curves in the output table
Renumbering of the curves and groups in the (joined) output table


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