gsphelp  Equation Parser

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gsphelp  Equation Parser

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The equation parser provides functions to parse and evaluate text strings into math equations. The text string can be constructed manually or using the buttons to insert operators  (+, -, *, /, ^), parenthesis and GSP output parameters (specified on the components output property tab sheet) using the combobox.


Besides the normal math operators, the following functions can be used (note that the arguments in the function can be functions as well):

returns the absolute value of arg1

exponent using the base natural logarithm value (e = 2.7182818...)

step function, returning 0 when arg1 < 0 else 1

natural logarithm of arg1

Max(arg1, arg2),
returns arg2 if arg1 < arg2 else arg1

Min(arg1, arg2),
returns arg1 if arg1 < arg2 else arg2

returns the square root of arg1

returns -1 if arg1 < 0, 1 if arg1 > 0 or 0 if arg1 = 0

returns 0 if arg1 = 0, else 1


Note that the dot (.) usually is reserved as decimal separator (depending on computer system settings), and therefore cannot be used in the parser. In GSP the decimal separator is fixed to the dot (.) character. Variable names used in parser expression must therefore not contain the dot (.) when entering the parser string manually. Selecting parameters from a drop-down list (usually provided in the graphical user interface) will substitute the dot (.) with the dollar ($) character.